M Vest Energy consists of 14 dedicated colleagues with long and varied experience in the oil and gas industry. Together with the owners who have many years of experience from different industries and active ownership, M Vest Energy is a highly competent, technologically leading and flexible oil company. See all our staff below.
Jonny Hesthammer
Jonny Hesthammer is the CEO of M Vest Energy AS and also a member of the board. He has more than 30 years of experience from the oil industry and has been involved with starting several oil companies in the Bergen region. In addition to this, Hesthammer has over several years contributed as a professor in Geology and Geophysics at the University of Bergen, and has published a number of scholarly/scientific articles.
Jonny is passionate about nature and climate, and has written a number of articles on the role of the oil industry in the future. Hesthammer is a qualified geologist/geophysicist from The university of Bergen (B.Sc and PhD) and Vancouver (M.Sc).
Susanne Møgster Sperrevik
Susanne Møgster Sperrevik is the Director of business development and exploration at M Vest Energy AS. She has more than 20 years of experience from the oil industry and has been involved in the start-up of several oil companies in the Bergen region. In addition to this, Sperrevik has been employed in operating companies such as Norsk Hydro, Statoil and Rocksource. She has published a range of scholarly/scientific articles.
Sperrevik is educated at The University of Bergen (Cand. Scient and Dr. Scient). She has furthered her education at BI/NHH in management- and corporate administration.
Christian Tveit
Christian Tveit is the Chief Financial Officer of M Vest Energy AS. He has over 15 years of experience with accounting and taxation, and was one of the owners in the company he worked for when it was acquired by PriceWaterhouseCoopers in 2012.
Christian has worked with accounting and tax in the oil industry since 2015. He holds a Bachelor´s degree in business administration (BAA) from The Norwegian Business School (BI) with a specialty in Finance, and an MBA in Management Control from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).
Åse Skålnes Strømme
QHSE and Production Manager
Åse Skålnes Strømme is manager of QHSE and production in M Vest Energy AS.
She has close to 25 years of experience from the oil industry, mainly from Equinor (Hydro and Statoil), where she has had different positions within reservoir, field development and production.
Åse is a trained construction engineer from Ålesund University College and a geologist (Cand Scient) from the University of Bergen. She also has additional education in technology management from NHH/NTNU.
Morten Nilsen
Morten Nilsen is ICT responsible at M Vest Energy AS. In addition, he is responsible for a number of administrative tasks. He has long and broad experience from a number of different industries, both as a consultant and as an employee.
Alexandre Verechtchaguine
Senior Geophysicist
Alexandre Verechtchaguine (Alexander Vereshagin) is senior geophysicist and responsible for EM projects and data analysis. He has more than 15 years’ experience as physicist/geophysicist with more than 10 years in oil industry. Alexandre has worked with most aspects of CSEM technology, since the early days of technology adoption, working on projects with major operators like Statoil, Shell, Repsol, Centrica, Total, and others.
He has numerous scientific publications in the field of geophysics, mathematical and particle physics. Verechtchaguine has an M.Sc. in physics (honors) from St. Petersburg State University, Russia, and a Ph.D. in particle physics from University of Bergen, Norway.
Stein Kjetil Helle
Senior Geologist
Stein Kjetil Helle is a senior geologist at M Vest Energy AS. He has 15 years of experience from the oil industry, specializing in exploration on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. He has broad experience as a geologist. He has previously worked as a consultant in the oil industry and within land-based geology, as well as lecturing and research in academia. Helle is a qualified geologist from The University of Bergen (M.Sc and PhD).
Åsmund Vassel
Senior produksjonsgeolog
Åsmund Vassel er senior produksjonsgeolog i M Vest Energy AS. Han har over 15 års erfaring fra oljeindustrien. Åsmund har bred erfaring fra oljebransjen innen leting, produksjon, planlegging og oppfølging av brønner samt modellering. Han har jobbet i Rocksource, Total og de siste årene som konsulent i Equinor. Åsmund er utdannet geolog fra Universitetet i Bergen (M.Sc.).
Asbjørn Holme
Asbjørn Holme er senior reservoaringeniør i M Vest Energy AS. Han har 9 års erfaring fra oljeindustrien med bakgrunn ifra ConocoPhillips og Petrolia Noco. Han har hatt tekniske og ledende stillinger innenfor et bredt fagfelt fra produksjon, drift, feltutbygging, leting, forretningsutvikling og kommersielt.
Asbjørn har en mastergrad (M.Sc) i Petroleumsteknologi fra NTNU og en mastergrad (M.Sc) i Industriell Økonomi fra Universitet i Stavanger.
Jahn Brusdal
Jahn Brusdal Eriksen er geolog i M Vest Energy AS.
Han har hatt deltidstillinger i M Vest Energy siden 2018 hvor han har jobbet med APA søknader, annen letevirksomhet, testutvikling i Glex og maskinlæringsprosjekter.
Jahn har en bachlorgrad (B.Sc) i geologi og geofare fra Høgskulen på Vestlandet i Sogndal og en mastergrad (M.Sc) i geovitenskap fra Universitet i Bergen.
Jostein Hesthammer
Jostein L. Hesthammer er juniorgeolog i M Vest Energy As. Han er for øyeblikket på sitt 2. år på bacheloren i geovitenskap retning geologi på Universitetet i Bergen. Han bidrar med maskinlæring og kunstig intelligens for bedre forståelse for petroleumsressursene på norsk sokkel, i tillegg til utviklingen av programvaren Glex.
Lars Marius Lyngstadaas Søvik
Lars Marius Lyngstadaas Søvik er juniorgeolog i M Vest Energy. Han har en bachelorgrad i Geovitenskap ved Universitetet i Bergen og begynner på sin M.Sc i Geovitenskap ved samme universitet høsten 2023. Hans hovedprosjekter i M Vest Energy har vært å bidra til utviklingen av programvaren Glex, jobbe med digitisering av tilbakeleveringsrapporter, samt benytte offentlig tilgjengelig data til G&G studier i forbindelse med leting på norsk sokkel.